The Waupaca Boatride Volleyball Tournament
Thanks for another great Waupaca Boatride Volleyball Tournament.
The weather may not have cooperated, but we will be back and better than ever in 2011.
Date for next year is July 9, 2011.
The Past Winners page has been updated.
Photo's will be uploaded soon.
If anybody has any photo's they would like added, please email us via the Contact Us page
Player survey will be sent shortly.
"Had a great time this year at the Waupaca Boatride Volleyball Tournament. You guys do an excellent job.
Thanks for another fun weekend!" Sara P.
"This was the 1st year that I played in the Waupaca Boatride. I think it is a very well organized event and would recommend it to all volleyball players. Over-all.....Great job with the volleyball tournament." Brian H.
"The Waupaca Boatride Volleyball Tournament always draws my interest because we get to play against teams we've
never seen before. During the rest of the year, we see the same teams either indoors or at the beach.
This is a great change of pace and a chance to test our skills with a broader base of players." John N.
